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Monday, May 19, 2014
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Wildstar also is a new MMORPG
Wildstar is a new MMORPG, it will definitely brings you a new experience. We have started off the Wildstar adventure before its open beta, we are looking forward to communicate with you closer.
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I am sure will be your best friends in games, we will accompany you to enjoy yourself in any games all the time.
So you can pay attention to our related social media: FaceBook, Twitter, google+, We updates our products, news and other service everyday there. By the way we also hope u can offer us your valuable suggestions to help us improve our better customer service +better shopping experience+cheaper price+brand-new products. Besides if you have any quest or you are dissatified with your orders and find website BUGs, pls feel free to let us know, we will solve it as soon as possible.
I am sure will be your best friends in games, we will accompany you to enjoy yourself in any games all the time.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Warlords of Draenor has already sold 1M copies
In a post-earnings financial call, Activision Blizzard announced that World of Warcraft's upcoming expansion, Warlords of Draenor, has already sold 1 million copies in the form of pre-purchases.
Part of the reason why the expansion might be so popular now, still months away from release, is because it comes with a character boost to level 90. Warlords of Draenor is expected to launch in the "back half" of 2014, though there's no specific release date yet. You can also buy character boosts separately for $60.
Warlords of Draenor is World of Warcraft's fifth expansion, following The Burning Crusade (2007), Wrath of the Lich King (2008), Cataclysm (2010), and Mists of Pandaria (2012). It introduces seven new zones and raises the game's level cap to 100.
Also during the earnings call today, Activision Blizzard confirmed that World of Warcraft total subscriber numbers have fallen from 7.8 million to 7.6 million. It's a drop, but it's far less precipitous than this time last year, when subscribers fell by over a million.
Part of the reason why the expansion might be so popular now, still months away from release, is because it comes with a character boost to level 90. Warlords of Draenor is expected to launch in the "back half" of 2014, though there's no specific release date yet. You can also buy character boosts separately for $60.
Warlords of Draenor is World of Warcraft's fifth expansion, following The Burning Crusade (2007), Wrath of the Lich King (2008), Cataclysm (2010), and Mists of Pandaria (2012). It introduces seven new zones and raises the game's level cap to 100.
Also during the earnings call today, Activision Blizzard confirmed that World of Warcraft total subscriber numbers have fallen from 7.8 million to 7.6 million. It's a drop, but it's far less precipitous than this time last year, when subscribers fell by over a million.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
About Level 100 Talents for Warlords of Draenor
Always coming Level 100 Talents for Warlords of Draenor, about this, We have a brief introduction of the characters, such as: Death Knight, Druid, Hunter, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior.
We hope that these guides will give you help. Also, if you think our guides very good, would you please share it. For the introduction of Level 100 Talents for Warlords of Draenor, have been launched. Next, we will continue to offer guides to help Hobby World of Warcraft gamers. And you can also choose our WoW power leveling services.
We mainly offer service for WoW Gold,Items and Wow power leveling. We do our best to offer the best service in WoW currencies and help you solve your problems about the game,so you can enjoy the World of Warcraft completely.
We hope that these guides will give you help. Also, if you think our guides very good, would you please share it. For the introduction of Level 100 Talents for Warlords of Draenor, have been launched. Next, we will continue to offer guides to help Hobby World of Warcraft gamers. And you can also choose our WoW power leveling services.
We mainly offer service for WoW Gold,Items and Wow power leveling. We do our best to offer the best service in WoW currencies and help you solve your problems about the game,so you can enjoy the World of Warcraft completely.
Good luck!
The new Level 100 Talents - Warrior
The level 60 talent Bladestorm is now a level 90 talent.
The level 90 talent Storm Bolt is now a level 60 talent and replaces Bladestorm.
Level 100: Anger Management. All specs. Every 15 rage that you spend reduces the remaining cooldown of your Readiness-affected abilities by 1 sec. (Readiness is a new secondary stat that reduces the cooldown of certain spells much like some of the trinkets from SoO raid.)
Ravager: Throw a whirling axe at a location that does damage to all enemies within 8 yards every 1 second for 15 seconds. Also increases your Parry chance by 20% for the duration.
3rd Talent
Arms & Fury get "Ignite Weapon:" This ability is not on the global cooldown. Replaces Heroic Strike. Ignite your weapon with fire and cause your auto attacks to do fire damage for 10 seconds.
Protection has "Gladiator's Resolve:" Defensive stance damage reduction is improved by 5%. Can choose to go "offensive" by replacing Battle Stance with Gladiator's Stance. This increases physical damage by 20% and replaces Shield Black with Shield Charge. Raise your shield (a shield is required) and do a short charge towards your opponent. It increases the damage of Shield Slam, Revenge, and Heroic Strike by 30% for 6 seconds. You cannot change in and out of this stance during combat. Has two charges.
The new Level 100 Talents - Warlock
1st Talent
Affliction: "Soulburn: Haunt" Grants Soulburn to your Haunt spell, causing it to do 15% increased damage for 30 seconds.
Demonology: "Demon Bolt." The new ability is: Demonbolt which consumes 30% of your current Demonic Fury to deal lots of Shadowflame damage. The next time you have less then 40 Demonic Fury your will be refunded Demoic Fury in an amount equal to that spent on your last Demonbolt.
Destruction: "Charred Remains." Your Incinerate and Conflagrate do 75% 60%less damage, but generate 400% 300% more Burning Embers. Is that a good trade? Fire and Brimstone can now also affect Chaos Bolt.
Cataclysm: All specs. Create a Cataclysm at the target location, doing 10k damage to all targets within 8 yards. Seems like the Go To talent here for everyone who likes to blow things up. Corruption or Immolate are also applied.
Demonic Servitude: All specs. allows you control over your greater demons. You can now summon Doomguards or Infernals as permanent pets. Having one of these following you around will be rather cool.
The new Level 100 Talents - Shaman
1st Talent
Elemental and Enhancement: "Shocking Lava." You Lava burst and Lashes increase your next Earth of Flame Shock damage by 50%, stacking twice. Two lavas and a shock.
Restoration: "Condensation Totem." Summon a Water Totem that will collects 5% of your Overhealing and grants it, as Spell Power, to your next Healing Wave, Healing Surge, Greater Healing Wave, Chain Heal, or Riptide.
Storm Elemental Totem, All specs.
All: Summons an Air Totem (with 6k health) that calls forth a Storm Elemental which hurls gusts of wind at your enemies for damage. The damage done is returned to all allies within 15 yds, as healing, split evenly among them. Lasts one minute, 5 min. cooldown.
Questions: Will this be affected by Primal elementalist? Can it be summoned when the fire/earth elemental is active? Will it replace the fire elemental spell or the earth elemental spell (looks like it will not, right now?)
3rd Talent
Elemental and Enhancement: "Spew Lava." Your Fire Totem now spits globs of lava at random targets within 40 yds. every 1 second for 15 10 seconds. Each glob deals damage to the target and all enemies withing 8 4 yds of the target.
Restoration: "High Tide." Chain Heal now bounces to all targets affected by your Riptide and no longer diminishes with each bounce.
The new Level 100 Talents - Rogue
The level 75 talent Paralytic Poison will be removed. The new talent will be "Internal Bleeding." This will be an additional bleed, based off of your Kidney shot. A successful KS causes the bleed.
Venom Zest: Increases max energy (does this stack with other energy increases?) and increases energy regeneration for each enemy poisoned, up to three. This will mean more Fan of Knives use, I think, except for Combat (since Fan is being removed for Combat.)
Shadow Reflection summons a shadow that "memorizes" what you do for the next 8 seconds, then replays those strikes on the target. This could be rather cool and could really extend your burst. Will it copy Shadowdance and all the strikes used? If so then this might be brutal in certain situations, especially if you can pop it with all your "on use" cooldowns and trinkets. Don't expect a PvP target to hang around for all this damage.
Death From Above empowers your weapons with Shadow Energy. This is a finishing strike (damage is based on your combo points used) which lets you attack all nearby enemies and then leap up and crash down on the main target for some serious damage. Could be a lot of fun if done right.
The new Level 100 Talents - Priest
Level 15: Psyfiend is changed to Psychic Scream. No word on what's happening with Psyfiend.
1st Talent:
Discipline "Clarity of Will:" Shield the target for 20 sec with a protective ward.
Holy "Clarity of Purpose:" Heals allies within 10 yds of the target, the most injured taking priority. Replaces Prayer of Healing. 2.5 sec. cast time.
Shadow "Clarity of Power:" Do more damage, from your direct damage spells, to targets not already affected by your periodic (DOT) spells. Casting Mind Spike reduces your Mind Blast cooldown by 1 second and restores 5% of your mana.
2nd Talent:
Discipline and Holy - "Words of Mending:" Heals and shields grant you stacks of "Word of Mending." At five stacks the are automatically used to power your next direct heal or shield by also casting Prayer of Mending at the same target.
Shadow – "Void Entropy:" Consumes up to three Shadow Orbs to do damage over 60 seconds, every three seconds. Could be interesting in all longer fights. Not so hot for short fights (lasts too long,) but nice for duels & bosses.
3rd Talent
Discipline & Holy – "Saving Grace:" Instantly heal a friendly target for a chunk of their max health, but your healing done is reduced by 10% for 10 seconds and this stacks up to ten times. Cast this one a few times and you won't be doing much with the other heals. Might be worth it in some situations, such as when you need a big heal right now" and can afford the lessened heals afterwards.
Shadow – "Auspicious Spirits:" Your Shadowy Apparitions grant 1 Shadow Orb instead of doing damage.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Warlords of Draenor Level 100 Talents
Updated 4/7/14 for talent changes. There are also some changes to a few of the older talents. Keep in mind that these are proposed changes. They may or may not be seen before Warlords is released. These changes are for the DK, Rogue, Warrior, and Warlock.
This is all very early, Bliz con isn't even over, so take all of these descriptions with a grain of salt. They're likely to change between now and release (whenever THAT is. It's supposed to be "on or before" Dec 20, 2014) Probably there will be a number of other talent changes, but those are not covered here, just the level 100 talents. By the way, getting to level 90 or 100 will be easy, just use Zygor and get there fast.
Numbers aren't posted here, for most talents, because they're likely to be WAY different when they go live, whether or not the great item squish actually happens. Come to think of it, if the item squish really does happen then the numbers might not be too bad…
Note that a number of the available talents will be different depending on your spec. For example, each spec of Mage has access to a different mage bomb. No more Frost Mages casting Living bomb, now they only get Frost Bomb.
Scroll down to find your class. Of course, you can also choose our WOW power leveling Service.
This is all very early, Bliz con isn't even over, so take all of these descriptions with a grain of salt. They're likely to change between now and release (whenever THAT is. It's supposed to be "on or before" Dec 20, 2014) Probably there will be a number of other talent changes, but those are not covered here, just the level 100 talents. By the way, getting to level 90 or 100 will be easy, just use Zygor and get there fast.
Numbers aren't posted here, for most talents, because they're likely to be WAY different when they go live, whether or not the great item squish actually happens. Come to think of it, if the item squish really does happen then the numbers might not be too bad…
Note that a number of the available talents will be different depending on your spec. For example, each spec of Mage has access to a different mage bomb. No more Frost Mages casting Living bomb, now they only get Frost Bomb.
Scroll down to find your class. Of course, you can also choose our WOW power leveling Service.
The new Level 100 Talents - Paladin
Talent #1: This looks like a pretty interesting talent.
Holy, "Beacon of Faith:" Beacon of Light can now be placed on two targets
Protection and Retribution get "Empowered Seals:" Your Seals also cause your Judgment to provide additional effects. This restores some effects that were removed from Judgment awhile back. Each effect lasts 20 seconds. J. of Justice speeds you up a bit, J. of Insight heals, J. of Righteousness increases attack speed, J. of Truth increases Attack Power.
Talent #2
Holy, "Beacon of Insight:" You place a Beacon of Insight on an ally which greatly improved your next single target heal directed towards that ally. When consumed, or the target is healed, the beacon moves to the next most injured ally (within 40 yards.)
Ret & Prot both get "Seraphim:" Your Haste, Crit, Mastery, MultiStrike, Readiness, and bonus armor (from gear) all all increased by 30% for 10 seconds, with a 30 second cooldown.
Talent #3: I rather like this one.
Holy: "Saved by the Light," When your Beacon of Light target drops below 30% you instantly grant them a shield equal to 30% of their health for 10 seconds. You cannot shield the same target twice within one minute.
Protection: "Holy Shield," Increases your Block chance by 10% and each block damages the attacker.
Retribution: "Final Verdict," A mighty strike, doing the damage as Holy. Replaces Templar's Verdict.
The new Level 100 Talents - Monk
First talent:
Brewmaster: "Soul Dance." 30% of your "normal" Stagger now works against magical damage.
Windwalker: "Hurricane Strike." You unleash a rapid series of kicks to some enemies in the area and become immune to movement impairing and "loss of control" effects for 3 seconds. This sounds like it could be a pretty awesome talent.
Mistweaver: "Breath of the Serpent." Your Jade Serpent Statue breathes healing mists towards you splitting healing to all allies in a 20 yard cone, ticking every 1 second for 10 seconds.
Chi Explosion costs from 1-4 Chi and does increasing effects depending on how much Chi is used. It has the same name for all specs, though the effects differ.
Brewmaster: 1 Chi: damage an enemy; 2 Chi: gain shuffle for 2 seconds, plus 2 per Chi spent; 3 Chi: purifies your staggered damage; 4 Chi: the damage hits all nearby enemies. Replaces Blackout Kick.
Windwalker: 1 Chi: damage an enemy; 2 Chi: additional damage as a 6 second DOT; 3 Chi: generate a charge of Tigereye Brew; 4 Chi: The damage hits all nearby enemies. Replaces Blackout Kick.
Mistweaver: 1 Chi: heals an ally; 2 Chi: healed allies get more healing; 3 Chi: also heals allies within 8 yards; 4 Chi: summons 8 healing spheres in a ring around the target. Replaces Blackout Kick.
3rd Talent
Brewmaster and Windwalker: "Chi Serenity." 10 seconds of perfect serenity causes all Chi consumptions to be instantly refilled.
Mistweaver: "Path of Mists:" Passive. While in combat you leave a trail of healing spheres behind you, 3 yards apart, each lasting 15 seconds.
The new Level 100 Talents - Mage
Level 15: Presence of mind is replaced by Evanesce. No word on what's happening with POM. Evanesce lets you "fade into the nether" for three seconds, avoiding all attacks. It replaces Ice Block and can be cast while casting a "cast time" spell. 45 sec cooldown.
Level 75, first talent: Nether Tempest, Living Bomb, and Frost Bomb are all still talents, but they are now only available to Arcane, Fire, and Frost respectively. All the bombs last 12 seconds. So the first lever 75 talents are:
Arcane – "Nether Tempest: " Can only cast one at a time. Each time it does damage it has a 10% chance to activate Arcane Missile and also do damage to opponents within 10 yards. That secondary damage can also hit the main target.
Fire – "Living Bomb:" Same as it is now. The target burns and then explodes when the timer runs out. Still spread by Inferno Blast.
Frost – "Frost Bomb:" Your Ice Lances that hit the target while frozen cause the bomb to damage the target and damage all enemies within 10 yards.
Level 75, 2nd talent, "Unstable Magic:" All specs. Your Arcane Blast, Firebolt, and Frostbolt all have a chance to explode on impact, doing more damage to the target and also damaging nearby targets.
Level 75: 3rd talent – The next talent replaces Frost Nova. Target an enemy or ally as the center of the effect and an energy wave does damage to all targets in the area and 100% additional damage if the main target in an enemy. Each spec gets a different effect that adds to this:
Arcane's Supernova "knocks them up." (I'm sure the wording on that will change…)
Fire gets Blast Wave: All the targets effects are slowed for 4 seconds.
Frost gets Ice Nova: All the enemies are frozen.
Level 90: Incanter's Ward and Invocation are replaced. Who knows what's happening with those two. They are replaced, for all Mage specs, by:
Mirror Image. Yes, that Mirror Image. It's now a lev 90 talent.
Incanter's Flow: This looks interesting. You now have a ten second cycle. In 5 seconds you will have 25% more power (5% per second) and then it drops back at the same rate, so in ten seconds you're back to "normal." Then it repeats. At 5, 15, 25, etc. seconds you will be at max power. 10, 20, 30, etc. you will be back to normal. As soon as this looks even close to final I expect an addon to be tracking this.
The first level 100 talent extends the duration of certain spells:
Arcane – "Overpowered:" Casting your Arcane Missiles extends your Arcane Power by 2 seconds.
Fire – "Kindling:" Crits from Fireball, Pyroblast, and Inferno Blast extend your Combustion by 1 second.
Frost – "Thermal Void:" Casting Ice Lance extends your Icy Veins by 2 seconds.
Prismatic Crystal All specs. (Was Focusing Crystal) puts a crystal at the targeted location. Only you can attack it and it takes 130% damage from your attacks. Any time it takes damage it instantly releases that damage, splitting it evenly among all enemies within 8 yards.
The third talent looks pretty cool, dealing area damage.
Arcane gets "Arcane Orb:" Your Arcane Orb travels up to 40 yards doing damage to everything it passes through and it generates an Arcane Charge every time it does damage.
Fire gets "Meteor:" Drops a fraggin' meteor!! Doing damage to an 8 yard area, also burning the ground doing continuous damage to all who remain in the fire.
Frost gets "Comet Storm:" Comets! 7 icy comets bombard the target area.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Thewowtips Notice
Thanks for your support to us all the time! thewowtips is offering the latest World of Warcraft level 100 related information. We slowly introduced guide, knows full. I believe that it will bring you a lot of help.
Of course, you can also choose WOW Power Leveling services.
The New Level 100 Talents - Hunter
Level 75: Your Lynx Rush will be replaced by Stampede. No word on what's happening to Lynx Rush, whether it dies or becomes an ability.
Flaming Shots - All specs. (Was "Bola Shot") Your basic "auto shots" ignite, doing most of their damage as fire damage.
Focusing Shot - All specs. (was "Snipe") allows you to carefully line up your perfect shot for 100% wpn damage and generates 50 focus. It also replaces Steady Shot and Cobra Shot. NOT usable while moving.
For Marksmanship the Snipe will trigger your Steady Focus.
The 3rd talent varies by spec:
Beast Mastery gets "Vesatility:" Your pet gets increased damage and also gets several abilities, regardless of its active spec: Spiked Collar, Roar of Sacrifice, Cornered, Last Stand, Blood of the Rhino, Great Stamina, Cornered, Boar's Speed.
Marksmanship and Survival get "Lone Wolf": All of your damage is increased by 30% when you don't have a pet active and you can provide one of several benefits to your party or raid. This might be fun to play with. You'll become more of a Ranger than a Hunter.
Flaming Shots - All specs. (Was "Bola Shot") Your basic "auto shots" ignite, doing most of their damage as fire damage.
Focusing Shot - All specs. (was "Snipe") allows you to carefully line up your perfect shot for 100% wpn damage and generates 50 focus. It also replaces Steady Shot and Cobra Shot. NOT usable while moving.
For Marksmanship the Snipe will trigger your Steady Focus.
The 3rd talent varies by spec:
Beast Mastery gets "Vesatility:" Your pet gets increased damage and also gets several abilities, regardless of its active spec: Spiked Collar, Roar of Sacrifice, Cornered, Last Stand, Blood of the Rhino, Great Stamina, Cornered, Boar's Speed.
Marksmanship and Survival get "Lone Wolf": All of your damage is increased by 30% when you don't have a pet active and you can provide one of several benefits to your party or raid. This might be fun to play with. You'll become more of a Ranger than a Hunter.
The New Level 100 Talents - Druid
Each of these talents has varying effects depending on your spec.
Your 1st Talent has various effects:
Balance – "Sunfall:" Entering your Solar Eclipse transforms your Starfall into Sunfall and resets the cooldown.
Feral – "Lunar Inspiration." Moonfire is now usable while in Cat form, adds 1 combo point and costs 30 energy.
Guardian – "Guardian of Elune:" Your Savage Defense now lasts 4 seconds and increases your dodge by 100%.
Restoration – "Moment of Clarity:" Omen of Clarity now lasts 5 seconds, instead of one cast. Sounds pretty nice.
2nd Talent
Balance – "Insect Swarm:" Attack the target with bugs, doing damage every 3 seconds for 15 sec. Each time damage is done you get 5 lunar or solar energy, whichever is more appropriate at the time. Cannot be cast while in Eclipse.
Feral – "Bloody Thrash:" Your Thrash now spreads Rake to other damaged enemies. Awards 1 combo point if it strikes your current target.
Guardian – "Pulverize:" Smash the target using three stacks of Lacerate to deal 500% damage, generate 30 rage, and reduce incoming damage by 20% for 10 seconds.
Restoration – "Germination:" You can apply two rejuvenations to the same target. Tanks and PvP allies will love you.
3rd Talent
Balance – "Equinox:" Your Lunar and Solar Eclipse now last until the other is triggered, instead of ending when you run out of energy.
Feral – "Savagery:" Your Savage Roar is now passive. How does a finishing strike work as a passive? Is the buff always on? Does this add 40% to all physical damage all the time? Is this one going to be the "go to" level 100 feral talent?
Guardian – "Bristling Fur:" this 3 seconds effect, 1 min cooldown, reduces all damage by 50%.
Restoration – "Rampant Growth:" Your Swiftmend now consumes your own Rejuvenation or Regrowth, but has no cooldown.
Your 1st Talent has various effects:
Balance – "Sunfall:" Entering your Solar Eclipse transforms your Starfall into Sunfall and resets the cooldown.
Feral – "Lunar Inspiration." Moonfire is now usable while in Cat form, adds 1 combo point and costs 30 energy.
Guardian – "Guardian of Elune:" Your Savage Defense now lasts 4 seconds and increases your dodge by 100%.
Restoration – "Moment of Clarity:" Omen of Clarity now lasts 5 seconds, instead of one cast. Sounds pretty nice.
2nd Talent
Balance – "Insect Swarm:" Attack the target with bugs, doing damage every 3 seconds for 15 sec. Each time damage is done you get 5 lunar or solar energy, whichever is more appropriate at the time. Cannot be cast while in Eclipse.
Feral – "Bloody Thrash:" Your Thrash now spreads Rake to other damaged enemies. Awards 1 combo point if it strikes your current target.
Guardian – "Pulverize:" Smash the target using three stacks of Lacerate to deal 500% damage, generate 30 rage, and reduce incoming damage by 20% for 10 seconds.
Restoration – "Germination:" You can apply two rejuvenations to the same target. Tanks and PvP allies will love you.
3rd Talent
Balance – "Equinox:" Your Lunar and Solar Eclipse now last until the other is triggered, instead of ending when you run out of energy.
Feral – "Savagery:" Your Savage Roar is now passive. How does a finishing strike work as a passive? Is the buff always on? Does this add 40% to all physical damage all the time? Is this one going to be the "go to" level 100 feral talent?
Guardian – "Bristling Fur:" this 3 seconds effect, 1 min cooldown, reduces all damage by 50%.
Restoration – "Rampant Growth:" Your Swiftmend now consumes your own Rejuvenation or Regrowth, but has no cooldown.
The New Level 100 Talents - Death Knight
All DKs have access to the same talents, they do not vary with your spec.
Necrotic Plague replaces Blood Plague and infects the target with a disease that does damage over the next 30 seconds and every time it ticks it tries to infect another nearby target. (Q: Can it re-infect a target?) It is applied by anything that applies the regular diseases. You also gain Runic Power when attacked by N. Plague infected opponents. Will Scarlet Fever still refresh it? Will the Weakened Blows still apply?
Defile looks like the Lich King ability. It defiles the area and increases in both area and damage (every time it does damage) over the next ten seconds. Enemies standing in the defile do less damage to you. Replaces Death and Decay.
Breath of Sindragosa uses your Runic Power to continually deal Shadowfrost damage to the enemies in a cone in front of you. It lasts until you either run out of Runic Power or you cancel it. It also applies Mark of Sindragosa, which will heal you for 5% of the spell damage dealt by afflicted enemies.
Necrotic Plague replaces Blood Plague and infects the target with a disease that does damage over the next 30 seconds and every time it ticks it tries to infect another nearby target. (Q: Can it re-infect a target?) It is applied by anything that applies the regular diseases. You also gain Runic Power when attacked by N. Plague infected opponents. Will Scarlet Fever still refresh it? Will the Weakened Blows still apply?
Defile looks like the Lich King ability. It defiles the area and increases in both area and damage (every time it does damage) over the next ten seconds. Enemies standing in the defile do less damage to you. Replaces Death and Decay.
Breath of Sindragosa uses your Runic Power to continually deal Shadowfrost damage to the enemies in a cone in front of you. It lasts until you either run out of Runic Power or you cancel it. It also applies Mark of Sindragosa, which will heal you for 5% of the spell damage dealt by afflicted enemies.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Warlords of Draenor Leveling Guide 90 - 100
Warlords of Draenor is an upcoming expansion for World of Warcraft so no leveling guides currently exist for it. We will however be updated with a fast free leveling guide for WoD as soon as we can write on and the expansion is released. Leveling in Warlords of Draenor will take you from level 90 which is currently the level cap, and all the way to level 100.
Warlords of Draenor will have a feature that gives all players a level 90 character so you can skip the entire grind up to level 90 and just get in on the fun of the new expansion.
Warlords of Draenor will have a feature that gives all players a level 90 character so you can skip the entire grind up to level 90 and just get in on the fun of the new expansion.
WOW power leveling a few points to keep in mind
World of Warcraft, people are keen to get to level 90 as that's really when the game begins. Also most people have already got level 90 characters so they don't want to waste much time getting to level 90 again and again. We all know that leveling to level 90 can be done fast, but can it be done in a day? Well maybe, depending on your resources. Generally if you are quick you can do it in 2-3 days.
To get to level 90 in a day you will want to get someone to powerlevel you with RAF or powerlevel yourself. Here are a few points to keep in mind.
1) Recruit a Friend is essential. So make a RAF account and powerlevel yourself. You can get to level 80 in a matter of hours with RAF so that helps a lot.
2) Heirloom gear is important if you are not powerleveling and simply soloing all the way to level 90. These are quick to acquire now and you can farm enough Justice / Honor fast.
3) Also if you are leveling solo you will need an in-game guide. These usually cut leveling time in half at least, and most players can easily get to level 90 in 2/3 days using these guides, with heirlooms you could probably do it quicker.
In the end getting to level 90 in a day will probably be pushing it but good luck! With a perfect game plan and a good guide it is possible.
Leveling Site:
To get to level 90 in a day you will want to get someone to powerlevel you with RAF or powerlevel yourself. Here are a few points to keep in mind.
1) Recruit a Friend is essential. So make a RAF account and powerlevel yourself. You can get to level 80 in a matter of hours with RAF so that helps a lot.
2) Heirloom gear is important if you are not powerleveling and simply soloing all the way to level 90. These are quick to acquire now and you can farm enough Justice / Honor fast.
3) Also if you are leveling solo you will need an in-game guide. These usually cut leveling time in half at least, and most players can easily get to level 90 in 2/3 days using these guides, with heirlooms you could probably do it quicker.
In the end getting to level 90 in a day will probably be pushing it but good luck! With a perfect game plan and a good guide it is possible.
Leveling Site:
Warlords of Draenor Alpha Patch Notes - Stat Squish
Character progression is one of the defining characteristics of a role-playing game. Naturally, that means that we're continuously adding more power to the game for players to acquire. After 4 expansions and over 9 years of this growth, we've gotten to a point where the numbers involved are no longer easy to grasp. And worse, much of the granularity that's available is tied up in tiers of older content from Molten Core to Dragon Soul, none of which are really relevant anymore. It's no longer necessary for Borean Tundra quest gear to be nearly twice as powerful as Netherstorm quest gear, even though the two zones are only a couple of levels apart.
In order to bring things down to an understandable level, we've reduced the scale of stats throughout the game, back to as if they continued scaling linearly through questing content from levels 1 to 90. This applies to creatures, spells, abilities, consumables, gear, other items... everything. Your stats and damage have been reduced by a huge amount, but so have creatures' health. For example, your Fireball that previously hit a creature for 450,000 out of its 3,000,000 health (15% of its health), may now hit that same creature for 30,000 out of its 200,000 health (still 15% of its health). In effect, you will still be just as powerful, but the numbers that appear will be more easily parsed.
It's important to understand that this isn't a nerf, and we have special handling in place to preserve players’ existing ability to solo old content. Players will deal bonus damage against lower-level creatures from past expansions, and will take reduced damage from them.
We've also removed all base damage on player spells and abilities, and adjusted Attack Power or Spell Power scaling as needed, so that all specializations will scale at the same rate.
We've also streamlined the multitude of various types of Haste % and Crit % bonuses.
In order to bring things down to an understandable level, we've reduced the scale of stats throughout the game, back to as if they continued scaling linearly through questing content from levels 1 to 90. This applies to creatures, spells, abilities, consumables, gear, other items... everything. Your stats and damage have been reduced by a huge amount, but so have creatures' health. For example, your Fireball that previously hit a creature for 450,000 out of its 3,000,000 health (15% of its health), may now hit that same creature for 30,000 out of its 200,000 health (still 15% of its health). In effect, you will still be just as powerful, but the numbers that appear will be more easily parsed.
It's important to understand that this isn't a nerf, and we have special handling in place to preserve players’ existing ability to solo old content. Players will deal bonus damage against lower-level creatures from past expansions, and will take reduced damage from them.
We've also removed all base damage on player spells and abilities, and adjusted Attack Power or Spell Power scaling as needed, so that all specializations will scale at the same rate.
- The amount of stats on items has been reduced to be much lower than before.
- Creature stats have been reduced to compensate.
We've also streamlined the multitude of various types of Haste % and Crit % bonuses.
- Spell Haste %, Melee Haste %, and Ranged Haste % have been merged into a universal Haste %.
- Spell Crit %, Melee Crit %, and Ranged Crit % have been merged into a universal Crit %.
Friday, April 25, 2014
The Best Place WOW Power Leveling
Need a trustworthy WOW power leveling service? We've got you covered. Our premier power leveling packages are performed by professional gamers living and working within the United States, so you won't have to worry about Blizzard logging any suspicious IP addresses on your account. Whether you need an alt boosted to level 90(it gonna to be level 100), or you'd like to get an alternate character to max level, our players will level the character from level 1 to 90 by hand and without hassle. Your account details are safe with us. Our company has a pristine reputation and 100% positive feedback, so you know you're dealing with a business you can trust.
Let's face it, life gets in the way of our gaming pursuits on a regular basis. Whether it's work or school holding you back, you shouldn't have to suffer and miss out on endgame content. With our professional WOW power leveling, you'll never skip a beat. Even if you don't have time to level your own characters to level 90, our cost-effective power leveling can take you where you need to go. Players who need multiple characters leveled up with WOW power leveling packages can contact us for bundle deals and other promotions.
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BlizzCon® 2014 Contests – Prepare Yourself for Greatness
The time has come to start prepping for this year's BlizzCon contests! All of the contests from BlizzCon 2013 will be returning—Costume, Talent, Art, and Movie—and we can't wait to see what everyone comes up with to wow us this year.
Information on how to sign up and official rules are coming soon, but if you'd like to start planning your creations in advance, here's a bit more about what to expect.
Live Contests
BlizzCon® 2014 Costume Contest
The Costume Contest makes a triumphant return. Every year we see more and more spectacular costume creations, and we're sure that this year will be no exception. It's important to keep safety in mind as you're planning your creation—that means you must be able to easily and safely see out of and maneuver in your costume without assistance. This year, we'll also be holding registration and sign-ups on Friday morning at BlizzCon, so please be prepared to have your costume finished well in advance. Spread the word!
Remember: Make sure your costume allows you to see clearly and move easily. No real weapons, dangerous materials, or large motorized costumes will be allowed.
BlizzCon® 2014 Talent Contest
The Talent Contest will also be returning to the stage at BlizzCon 2014! Last year's inaugural competition featured the performances of some truly talented musicians. This year, we're looking forward to seeing performances of all sorts—so even if you can't carry a tune, your other talents might carry you to the stage.
If you've got serious performance chops—dramatic, comedic, musical, or otherwise—you could have a chance to showcase your Blizzard-themed talent live on stage at BlizzCon in front of a massive audience . . . and win great prizes (including a trip to BlizzCon and lodging) to boot. We'll be accepting YouTube videos of your talent performance in the near future, so start rehearsing!
Whatever you choose to show us, please make sure your video is 2 minutes or less in length, choose a good (higher is better) resolution, and keep it simple. We want to see you just as you would be performing live. Since your audition video could be shown on stage at the show, please make sure that there are no non-Blizzard brand logos present in your shoot.
Online Contests
BlizzCon® 2014 Art Contest
The Art Contest will offer talented artists the chance to show off their work at BlizzCon once again. As you prepare to craft your masterpiece, please keep in mind that you'll need to submit high-quality jpegs no larger than 5MB. Also, the entire content of your work needs to be your own original creation, so no PhotoShop manipulations of existing work will be accepted.
BlizzCon® 2014 Movie Contest
We look forward to screening the work of aspiring auteurs in animation, machinima, live-action filmmaking, and more! Start those storyboards now, but keep in mind that the length of your film should be 3 minutes or less and the size of your file no larger than 100MB. If you're shooting a live-action piece, please make sure that there are no non-Blizzard brand logos in your video.
Complete rules and more information on all of the upcoming contests will be available soon.
Signups begin in the near future, so start preparing in advance!
Got BlizzCon contest-related questions? Email
Information on how to sign up and official rules are coming soon, but if you'd like to start planning your creations in advance, here's a bit more about what to expect.
Live Contests
BlizzCon® 2014 Costume Contest
The Costume Contest makes a triumphant return. Every year we see more and more spectacular costume creations, and we're sure that this year will be no exception. It's important to keep safety in mind as you're planning your creation—that means you must be able to easily and safely see out of and maneuver in your costume without assistance. This year, we'll also be holding registration and sign-ups on Friday morning at BlizzCon, so please be prepared to have your costume finished well in advance. Spread the word!
Remember: Make sure your costume allows you to see clearly and move easily. No real weapons, dangerous materials, or large motorized costumes will be allowed.
BlizzCon® 2014 Talent Contest
The Talent Contest will also be returning to the stage at BlizzCon 2014! Last year's inaugural competition featured the performances of some truly talented musicians. This year, we're looking forward to seeing performances of all sorts—so even if you can't carry a tune, your other talents might carry you to the stage.
If you've got serious performance chops—dramatic, comedic, musical, or otherwise—you could have a chance to showcase your Blizzard-themed talent live on stage at BlizzCon in front of a massive audience . . . and win great prizes (including a trip to BlizzCon and lodging) to boot. We'll be accepting YouTube videos of your talent performance in the near future, so start rehearsing!
Whatever you choose to show us, please make sure your video is 2 minutes or less in length, choose a good (higher is better) resolution, and keep it simple. We want to see you just as you would be performing live. Since your audition video could be shown on stage at the show, please make sure that there are no non-Blizzard brand logos present in your shoot.
Online Contests
BlizzCon® 2014 Art Contest
The Art Contest will offer talented artists the chance to show off their work at BlizzCon once again. As you prepare to craft your masterpiece, please keep in mind that you'll need to submit high-quality jpegs no larger than 5MB. Also, the entire content of your work needs to be your own original creation, so no PhotoShop manipulations of existing work will be accepted.
BlizzCon® 2014 Movie Contest
We look forward to screening the work of aspiring auteurs in animation, machinima, live-action filmmaking, and more! Start those storyboards now, but keep in mind that the length of your film should be 3 minutes or less and the size of your file no larger than 100MB. If you're shooting a live-action piece, please make sure that there are no non-Blizzard brand logos in your video.
Complete rules and more information on all of the upcoming contests will be available soon.
Signups begin in the near future, so start preparing in advance!
Got BlizzCon contest-related questions? Email
For the analysis World of Warcraft power leveling
In World of Warcraft, if you want to learn how to power level your character without using one of those illegal WOW power leveling services then read some of my tips below. It's quite easy once you get the hang of it. After a while you'll be developing your own shortcuts and start power leveling just like the pros.
1) Know the Class You are Playing
For starters it helps a great deal to know know a little something about your class. If you are playing wow for the first time or a class you are unfamiliar with then it helps to know what to expect. Knowing which abilities are the strongest or most efficient, and/or the best leveling spec at each level for your chosen class will put you well ahead of the game. In addition, knowing which gearing/stats you should be shooting for will also help you a great deal. Sometimes classes seem weak until they get to a key ability or level so it helps to know these things as well before you get discouraged.
2) Use a Power Leveling Guide
A good power leveling guide will save you a great deal of time. These are completely legal. They help you to group quests together, help you decide on which quests to skip, and ultimately get you to level cap faster by tried and tested methods. Most of these will even have in game mods to guide you directly in game so you won't have to tab out to read a PDF guide.
3) Rested Experience
The rested experience bonus allows you to level at twice the normal rate on mobs you kill. So make sure to always rest in an inn when you aren't playing your character or you won't earn this bonus as quickly.
4) Power Level With a Friend
Hooking up with a friend can make power leveling more fun and less like a chore. Any class combination will do but some classes duos are better than others. keep in mind that if you are power-leveling you may get ahead if your friend isn't committed to power-leveling as fast as you do.
1) Know the Class You are Playing
For starters it helps a great deal to know know a little something about your class. If you are playing wow for the first time or a class you are unfamiliar with then it helps to know what to expect. Knowing which abilities are the strongest or most efficient, and/or the best leveling spec at each level for your chosen class will put you well ahead of the game. In addition, knowing which gearing/stats you should be shooting for will also help you a great deal. Sometimes classes seem weak until they get to a key ability or level so it helps to know these things as well before you get discouraged.
2) Use a Power Leveling Guide
A good power leveling guide will save you a great deal of time. These are completely legal. They help you to group quests together, help you decide on which quests to skip, and ultimately get you to level cap faster by tried and tested methods. Most of these will even have in game mods to guide you directly in game so you won't have to tab out to read a PDF guide.
3) Rested Experience
The rested experience bonus allows you to level at twice the normal rate on mobs you kill. So make sure to always rest in an inn when you aren't playing your character or you won't earn this bonus as quickly.
4) Power Level With a Friend
Hooking up with a friend can make power leveling more fun and less like a chore. Any class combination will do but some classes duos are better than others. keep in mind that if you are power-leveling you may get ahead if your friend isn't committed to power-leveling as fast as you do.
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