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Sunday, May 4, 2014

Warlords of Draenor Level 100 Talents

Updated 4/7/14 for talent changes. There are also some changes to a few of the older talents. Keep in mind that these are proposed changes. They may or may not be seen before Warlords is released. These changes are for the DK, Rogue, Warrior, and Warlock. 

This is all very early, Bliz con isn't even over, so take all of these descriptions with a grain of salt. They're likely to change between now and release (whenever THAT is. It's supposed to be "on or before" Dec 20, 2014)  Probably there will be a number of other talent changes, but those are not covered here, just the level 100 talents. By the way, getting to level 90 or 100 will be easy, just use Zygor and get there fast.

Numbers aren't posted here, for most talents, because they're likely to be WAY different when they go live, whether or not the great item squish actually happens. Come to think of it, if the item squish really does happen then the numbers might not be too bad…

Note that a number of the available talents will be different depending on your spec. For example, each spec of Mage has access to a different mage bomb. No more Frost Mages casting Living bomb, now they only get Frost Bomb.

Scroll down to find your class. Of course, you can also choose our WOW power leveling Service.